

Peace my brother Peace my sister

Peace to you mankind
Who thinks you've found heaven on earth
I wish you happiness
But more so I wish you peace
I pray that one day your wealth is swept away
Allah takes a favor on you
And shows you humility
And shows you,

Peace, to you sad soul
Out of control
Without a place to call your own
You've been preyed upon by the wealthy
Made indecent by the powerful
Scolwed by the passerbys
Pretending you have no soul to cry

I know you want the world
So one day you can show them your worth
But my sister
Those fancy clothes may one day burn your skin
And my brother
The money you hold may turn against you
And cause you to sin

So I pray not that you ever
Ever see wealth in this life
Though I pray God realease you from your strife
I pray more so
That he gives you patience to conqure this test
Bestow on you his mercy
Making you blessed
With bliss -real bliss
With peace

Peace, peace
The little you have
The less you give
You fathered that child and took care of him
You mothered your young
And made sure they were safe
You nutured your soul with hadith, quran, faith and good intention
To you also I wish a garden
Of endless supply
And a soul that isn't worried late at night
And peace

For who am I?
Just a well wisher
Just another with an uncertain fate
Heaven or hell?
I should worry more
Written test
A family of my own
A few letters by my name to make me well known

These things are fleeting
Passing ships
Fallen brincks
But heaven and hell are forever eternal

I pray for you and for me
Lord, Unblind our eyes so we can see
Long enough to shield us from this life
Long enough to convince us to do right
Long enough so we could see
The river passing beneath our feet
Long enough to walk through heaven greeting eachother;
"Peace, Peace, Peace!"

Al Waqia, Al Quran
(89) And if he is of those on the right hand, (90) Then (the greeting) "Peace be unto thee" from those on the right hand. (91) But if he is of the rejecters, the erring, (92) Then the welcome will be boiling water (93) And roasting at hell-fire. (94) Lo! this is certain truth. (95) Therefore (O Muhammad) praise the name of thy Lord, the Tremendous.
"Good deeds are not equal to the evil ones. Repel other's evil deeds with your good deeds. You will see that he with whom you had enmity, will become your close friend.
But none will attain this quality except those who patiently endure and none will attain this quality except those who are truly fortunate."

Chapter: 41, Verses 34-35, Al-Quran
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Admin on April 9, 2010 at 4:18 AM said...

MashaAllah !

Peace be unto you (too) and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings.


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